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Why See a Chiropractor for Auto Injury Treatment

Written By First Choice Chiropractic on October 27, 2021

Auto Injury Treatment First Choice Chiropractic

After an auto accident, if there are no obvious injuries, the first thing most people do is worry about damage to their cars. However, the real damage may be lurking in your neck and spine, even if you don’t recognize it right away. 

Just as you would get your car repaired after an accident, take the time to take care of yourself as well. One of the best things you can do is make an appointment with Dr. Tiffany Harris at First Choice Chiropractic as soon as possible after an accident. Getting auto injury treatment quickly after an accident is critical to preventing further damage and long-term complications. 

Dr. Harris can provide chiropractic treatment to restore your wellbeing and help you feel your best without medications. 

Why do I need to see Dr. Harris if I feel fine?

During virtually every auto accident, the head is thrown back and forth in quick succession. This rapid movement can easily cause strain in your back and neck and a range of injuries, including whiplash. However, these kinds of injuries frequently don’t cause symptoms right away. 

As a result, you could believe that you haven’t been hurt in your collision, only to develop symptoms days or even weeks later. Not only could this lead to your injury becoming worse, but it could also prevent you from getting the compensation for your treatment that you need from the insurance company. 

Why is chiropractic a good choice for auto injury treatment?

If you have whiplash or another issue that involves the spine, a general doctor may prescribe pain medications to ease your symptoms, but they won’t fix the actual problem. Dr. Harris will accurately diagnose your injury, even if you aren’t yet experiencing symptoms, and use chiropractic adjustments to restore your spine’s healthy alignment, fixing the actual cause of the injury instead of using drugs to mask the symptoms. Chiropractic care will ensure you are healed for the long term. 

How can I make an appointment with Dr. Harris?

Scheduling an appointment at First Choice Chiropractic in Glendale with Dr. Harris is easy. As soon as you’ve been in an accident, visit our website to request an appointment, or call (623) 213-7166 to schedule a consultation.

Posted In: Chiropractic Auto Accident Injury Whiplash Treatment