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Massage Therapy for Stress Reduction

Written By First Choice Chiropractic on September 30, 2023

patient getting a massage

Chronic stress can end up affecting every aspect of your life. If stress is making it hard for you to eat, sleep, work, enjoy your hobbies, or spend time with family and friends, you should visit our chiropractor and massage therapist in Glendale, AZ for stress relief. 

Clinically Proven Stress Relief

Numerous medical and scientific studies have proven that massage therapy is an effective method of stress relief. Massage therapy reduces blood pressure and lowers the heart rate, promotes relaxation, improves circulation and blood flow, supports greater oxygenation to the brain, and improves overall mood. Our massage therapist will also be particularly in tune to your moods, needs, and overall health. She can adjust her technique and treatment plan to meet your needs, goals, and lifestyle.

Avoid Dangerous Drugs

Massage therapy is a non-invasive, holistic therapy that doesn’t rely on the use of prescription drugs or invasive procedures. Our massage therapist will provide stress reduction and pain relief without risking your health and mood by recommending treatments that have dangerous side effects. Massage therapy is the safest method of stress relief because you won’t need to worry about developing additional symptoms that often occur as side effects from other stress reduction solutions. 

Get Advice on Other Stress Relief Techniques 

Our chiropractor and massage therapist can also offer lifestyle modification counseling and provide information on other stress relief techniques that might work for you. This might include changing your diet, screening you for nutritional deficiencies, recommending vitamins and supplements, and treating you for sleep disorders. They might also recommend that you drink more water, avoid alcohol and caffeine, stop smoking, get more exercise, take up hobbies you enjoy, start meditating or journaling, and practice yoga or mindfulness.  

Visit Our Chiropractor or Massage Therapist in Glendale, AZ

If you’re looking for safe, drug-free stress relief in Glendale, AZ, come see us at First Choice Chiropractic. Our licensed massage therapist, Tina, has years of experience in various massage therapy and stress relief techniques. She works closely with each client to design a stress reduction treatment plan that works for their needs. We also offer other stress relief treatments, like chiropractic adjustments, fitness and exercise education, diet and nutrition counseling, and workplace and lifestyle modification counseling. Call us today at (623) 213-7166 to learn more or schedule an appointment online.


Posted In: Massage Therapy